Post date: May 06, 2014 3:8:34 AM

I really wanted to start this blog like 10-12 weeks ago. Better late than never, I guess!

Our lives are changing! We are expecting our first child in early October 2014! It's been a journey, but knew God would bless us at the right time. We are excited/nervous/apprehensive for the changes, joys, challenges, sleepless nights, crib building, diapers, and more that will all come in the next 6 months. Luckily we have close friends and family who have been through it all and can offer us advice, share their stories and best of all - give us all the hand-me-downs! Thank you! ! Here are 10 facts about this pregnancy so far:

1. Superbowl Sunday - Found out our lives were changing

The Broncos were playing the Seattle Seahawks for the Lombardi Trophy. I wanted to know what beverages I would be consuming that day. Robert said it was to early, but I was anxious! A positive pregnancy test = Caffeine Free Coke (minus the rum). Could have used the rum after watching the game. Broncos lost 43-8.

2. Coincidences

We were scheduled to talk with a fertility doctor that next week. Instead of discussing how to get pregnant, we were discussing how to monitor the baby through the first trimester. We had a miscarriage in February 2013, so we wanted to make sure we were doing everything right and healthy for this pregnancy. Dr. Bachus offered ultrasounds every two weeks to watch Baby Umland grow. It was so neat to see Baby Umland turn from a slug to a gummy bear. I think we were spoiled to see baby every two weeks!

3. Best Friend is Pregnant Too!

Heather is expecting her second child like 9 days before ours. What a blessing to be pregnant with my bestie, and someone who has been through it before! We are sharing stories, working out together, experiencing summer pregnancy and maybe be in the hospital at the same time:)

4. How do I feel?

I really can't complain. I have been blessed with minimal pregnancy symptoms, even through the first trimester. I have been tired, felt breast tenderness and have had a few vomiting spells, but nothing really to note. Hopefully this continues for the next 24 weeks!

5. How does Robert feel?

Excited. The reasons he wanted to start a family with me was to stay young and drive home the fact that life has a lot more to do with the people in it rather than yourself.

6. Blue or Pink Cigar

We are hoping for a healthy child and have decided to be surprised in the delivery room.

7. Big Brother Chester

He might know a change is coming, but for right now, he is content as the only child. It will be interesting to see how he adapts in October. We are predicting that Chester will be jealous, curious, eat diapers and be protective once he knows this child is here to stay.

8. "Small Circles"

These are the words your father has been discussing with you every morning. "Small circles," he says referring to smooth and efficient bicycle pedal strokes. A Strider bike is waiting for you.

9. Thank You!

Thank You, Baby Umland, for making your mother feel good. Thank You, husband, for being there through it all and loving me and our child, dealing with my mood swings and buying Gummy bears! And Thank You, friends and family, for the support. Some of you have been there since day 1.

10. 17 Weeks

Baby Umland;s skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord — its lifeline to the placenta — is growing stronger and thicker. Baby Umland weighs 5 ounces now (about as much as a turnip), and measures around 5 inches long from head to bottom. Baby can move its joints, and sweat glands are starting to develop.